Coach Expectations

The function of a coach is to educate the kids through participation in the RFYFA. All RFYFA coaches must realize the game is played for the benefit of the participants/kids. An emphasis will be placed on developing lifelong values. Coaches are role models and will set positive examples for players, parents, and spectators. The coach shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.

As a Coach I will...

  • Be a positive role model

As a coach you shall uphold the honor and dignity of Coaching. In all personal contact with the children, officials, parents, and the public; each coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. Carry yourself in a professional manner at all times, on the field and in the community. Players and community members are always watching, as a representative of the program your actions will reflect on everyone, not just yourself. Make sure your interactions on the field reflect how you would want your own child to be treated.

  • Communicate

A football program consists of many parts, it is important that everyone works hard to stay on the same page. All coaches should make sure to communicate to their teams' parents on a weekly basis. It is important that coaches, parents, and players are all on the same page. Coaches need to be approachable if a player or parent wants to talk.

  • Coach every player

“Kids won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” We coach players to help prepare them to achieve their greatest potential. Each player is putting in the time and effort to make the team better and it is the responsibility of the coach to help the player improve their skills.

  • Have Commitment

It is expected that coaches shall know the contest rules and teach them to his or her team members. A coach will not seek an advantage by bending on ignoring the rules. We ask our players to invest a lot of time into this program and therefore the same commitment is needed from each coach. In turn, the program will try to place a priority on using time wisely during meetings, practices, and team activities.

  • Be Safe / Encourage Safe Play

Coaches will be required to pass a background check and will be required to participate in the “Coaches Certification” meeting that is held before the beginning of the season.

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River Falls Youth Football Association

PO Box 132
River Falls, WI 54022